Setup and Roll Out

Learn how to configure and roll out the Starmind Microsoft Graph Connector for seamless search experience.

When integrating Starmind into your Microsoft 365 search, we recommend starting with a defined testing user group (UAT) before rolling it out to all licensed Starmind users within your organization. This allows you to test the search results and ensure a smooth deployment.

The Starmind Microsoft Graph Connector is available across all Starmind pricing tiers.


To ensure seamless integration of the Starmind Microsoft Graph Connector within your Microsoft 365 environment, it is essential to collaborate with your Microsoft 365 search administrators.

Before starting the setup, ensure the following:

Requesting Starmind Microsoft 365 Search Integration Installation

  1. To integrate your Starmind network with Microsoft 365 Search, request the installation via our technical support channel providing your Starmind network domain (* and your organization's Microsoft 365 tenant ID.
  2. Starmind technical support will then get back to you with a URL to request admin consent for the Starmind Microsoft Graph Connector (Azure enterprise application) for your Microsoft Tenant. This will request the MS Tenant admin to grant the required Graph API permissions.
  3. Once this is done, Starmind technical support can proceed to index Starmind content into your tenant. This will create the Starmind Graph Connector including the default result types in your tenant.

If You Are Not a Microsoft 365 Search Administrator

If you do not have administrative access to Microsoft 365 Search, follow these steps to coordinate with your organization’s administrators:

  1. Identify the Administrators

    • Reach out to your IT department or check your organization’s internal directory to find the Microsoft 365 administrators. Common job titles to look for include:
      • Microsoft 365 Systems Administrator, Collaboration Tools Administrator, Enterprise Collaboration Manager, SharePoint Administrator, IT Systems Administrator, Enterprise Search Manager, Content Management Administrator, Knowledge Management Specialist, Search Platform Administrator, Azure Administrator
  2. Provide Documentation

    • Share the following details with the administrators:
      • A link to this Setup and Rollout guide
      • The list of testing users (include their email addresses) or groups who need access to the integration.
  3. Request Confirmation of Permissions

    • Ask the administrators to:
      • Confirm that all documented Graph API Permissions have been granted.
      • Request reasoning if any permissions are denied or exceptions are made, and communicate this to Starmind.
  4. Coordinate Testing (UAT)

    • Collaborate with the test user group to validate the integration after the configuration is complete. The test users should try to search for Starmind insights within Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 SharePoint. In case they have a Copilot license, they can ask Copilot to look for content that should be sourced from your Starmind network.
    • Provide feedback on any issues encountered during testing to Starmind through the technical support channel.
  5. Follow Up for Deployment

    • Once the user acceptance testing (UAT) is successful, work with the administrators to enable the Starmind search results in the main search results.
    • Additionally, use the Starmind announcement feature or any other communication method that works best for you to inform users about the availability and the added value of the Starmind Microsoft 365 Search integration.

Microsoft 365 Search administrators

Please follow these steps to configure your Microsoft 365 environment in preparation for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and organization wide rollout. This guide is intended for administrators responsible for setting up and managing the Microsoft 365 environment.

Please note that it may take a few hours for the MS Graph Index to be fully prepared and ready to return Starmind search results upon its first run. During this time, the indexing process is completing, and results will become available once the indexing is finished.

Assigning Test Users to Starmind Graph Connector

Enable the Starmind Graph Connector search results for the testing group or individual users.

Please find the official documentation that guide through staged connector rollouts.

Configure Staging rollout for Starmind Graph Connector

Configure Staged rollout for Starmind Graph Connector

Configure the test audience for MS Graph Connector

Configure the test audience for MS Graph Connector

As a final step to complete the staged rollout, the Starmind Microsoft Graph Connector must be configured to Include Connector Results. This ensures that the Starmind insights are available for all users in the staging test group, including those using Copilot. To enable this, you need to press the "Include Connector Results" option, which will integrate the Starmind insights into the search experience across your Microsoft 365 environment.

Upon publish, this connector will be visible only to the users selected in the previous step. If required, you can start now with customizing the search results.


Ready for testing

Notify the Starmind admins that the Starmind Microsoft Graph Connector integration is ready for user acceptance testing.

Productive rollout to all users

As part of the initial Starmind rollout, an Entra ID group was created to grant access to the Starmind network via Entra ID SSO. In the following examples, we assume this group has been named "Starmind." This group should be reused for the productive rollout of the Starmind Microsoft 365 Search integration.

To scope the production rollout to all users that have access to Starmind, edit the staged rollout, and additionally select the same EntraId group that has also access to Starmind via SSO.

Alternatively, end the staged rollout, which will make the Starmind insights search results available for the whole organization depending on your requirements.


Ready for production

Notify the Starmind admins that the Starmind Microsoft 365 Search integration is ready to be announced.