Change management
What is Change Management?
Change management is the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip and support individuals to successfully adopt change to drive organizational success and outcomes (Prosci). This is typically carried out through communication and training.
User adoption is the true measure of success for any software. It's often easy for project teams to only focus on the technical aspects of setting up a new platform, but we can't forget the people we're hoping to help. An effective Change Management plan will help people adopt new ways of working. Organizations do not change; people do!
Creating and completing a comprehensive Change Management strategy will help you reach your Starmind goals and positively impact your colleagues' lives.
Why is Change Management important?
The better we apply change management, the more likely we are to achieve our project objectives.
Starmind will change the way your colleagues collaborate and search for knowledge, however, it’s human nature to resist change. In fact, the most common form of resistance is to simply not change at all.
An excellent change management plan is built on empathy, support, and thoughtful invitation.
How to create a Change Management plan
You can create an excellent change management plan by completing the following 5 steps.
Consider your company culture.
Think of the last time a new software was introduced to your company.
- How did your organization respond to this new software? Why did they respond in this way?
- What was done to promote the software? What worked? What didn’t? How was this communication received?
Keep this experience in mind as we create a Change Management plan for your organization - learn from mistakes, repeat successes.
Define success.
If everything goes perfectly with our change management plan...
- How many users will be on Starmind?
- How often will the typical user login?
- When will Starmind be introduced to your audiences?
- What other factors will you use to measure your success with Starmind?
Know your audience.
Change Management is people-focused, understanding the audiences we’re working with is critical to creating a successful plan.
- Who are the main audiences we’ll be introducing to Starmind?
Some project teams break their audiences into large departments or small groups, do whichever works best for your company culture. Generally, the more focused your communication is, the better the results.
- Who are the influencers in each audience that could help promote Starmind?
Inviting executives and team rockstars to be a part of the messaging will greatly influence the way the Starmind launch is received.
- What is the best way to introduce Starmind to these audiences?
Face to face is typically the most impactful, especially if it comes from a respected figure in the organization. Email, instant messaging channels, intranet banners, and even posters in the cafeteria can help ensure that your colleagues understand why Starmind matters to them.
Keep communication consistent and concise.
We’ve all received long company emails. When/If they get read, everyone is asking themselves the same question: What’s in it for me? If your communication accomplishes one thing, it should be that your colleagues believe Starmind is the solution to an everyday headache.
Each message should include a brief snippet as to why Starmind matters to your audience and an invitation to do something (ask a question, set up their profile, find an expert, etc.). It may also be helpful to show how Starmind is aligned with your company objectives and to include positive testimonials from pioneer users.

On average, messages need to be seen 5-7 times before they stick. Make sure Starmind is visible and available to your audiences in all the places they may go when they need an answer to a question.
The messenger matters. Be sure to send your communication through the right channels. There is nothing wrong with typing up an email and asking your boss, or your boss's boss, to send it under their name.
Ensure a good first experience
If my first sandwich at a deli is bad, I usually never return - software isn’t so different. “Experiences foster beliefs, beliefs influence actions and actions produce results.” (Change the Culture, Change the Game)

You can create a great first experience by considering the following:
How easy is it to login to Starmind?
Common obstacles:
- Having to create your account
- Remembering username and password
- If possible, sync Starmind with your SSO provider
- Create users before launch
How hard is it to find Starmind?
Common obstacles:
- No link to Starmind in launch communication
- Requiring users to remember a URL
- Integrations allow you to bring Starmind to popular platforms like Slack, Sharepoint, and knowledge centers
- Invite users to bookmark Starmind in their browser
- Include a link to Starmind in all communications and in your email signature
Is Starmind showing your users relevant information?
Common Obstacles:
- Starmind is new and empty
- Starmind is overwhelmingly full of information
- Connectors allow Starmind to curate which questions are presented to your users
- Train users how to search, sort, and find relevant content
- Train users to post questions when they can’t find answers
When users may encounter one of the above mentioned obstacles, be sure to set their expectations accordingly. Be sure to answer support questions quickly if they pop up.
Every individual and organization handles change differently; create a plan around what works with your company culture. Define success to drive your plan toward meaningful results. You can achieve your results by tailoring consistent and concise communication to your various audiences. Your users’ first experience with Starmind will shape how they feel about the network.
As always, your dedicated Customer Success Manager is eager to guide you through your Starmind launch and beyond.
Updated almost 4 years ago