Deep Links
Integrate Starmind anywhere using Deep Links. These allow you to link any page within Starmind to a button, image or text on a website.
Usage Examples
Ask a Question
The following example of code can be integrated into a webpage. It will display a search field and a submit button. If the user enters any text into the search field then clicks on the submit button, this will automatically bring them to the Starmind application where their question will already be loaded and suggestions of existing matching questions will be provided.
Show a filtered Stream
On the same principle as the previous example, with this code, when users type their requests on their own website and submit it, this brings them to the Starmind platform, where their requests have already been prefilled and potential solutions provided.
Technical Documentation
Deep-link to Search
You can link directly to a prefiltered stream. You need to add the URL parameter "search" and send the search query URL encoded. + URL_ENCODED_PAYLOAD<br>
Deep-link to ask a question
You can link directly to the ask question view. When you add the URL parameter "title", the title is prefilled on the ask question view. The parameter needs to be URL encoded. + URL_ENCODED_PAYLOAD<br>
Deep-link to content
You can link directly to a question or a solution. You need to adjust the ID of the question in the URL below. For the solution, you need to add the URL parameter "solution". + SOLUTION_ID
For comment, you need to add the URL parameter "comment". + COMMENT_ID
Updated about 4 years ago