In this article, you can learn about the most important functionalities and metrics you find in the analytics dashboard.
In the table below, you can find all available metrics. The columns "description" and "excluded" give you more information about how each metric is calculated.
Whenever you apply a department, country and/or knowledge space filter, we filter the metrics by the "acting" users. You find that information in the "filtering by ..." column.
Metric | Description | Excluded | Filtering country / department by ... | Filtering knowledge space by ... |
Activated users | Total number of users that logged in before the end date | User's membership | ||
Activated users (ratio) | Percentage of activated users relative to the total number of users | User's membership | ||
Answers | Number of created answers within a timeframe | Answer authors | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | |
Answer contributors | Number of unique users that posted a solution within a timeframe | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | ||
Answered questions | Number of published questions within a timeframe that have at least one answer | Question authors | Knowledge space assignment of the question | |
Answer views | Number of daily unique answer views (if a user views an answer multiple times a day, it counts as one view) within a timeframe | Users that viewed answers | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | |
Average answer rating | Average answer rating over all submitted ratings within a timeframe. Updated ratings correct the average (they don't contribute to the average as new rating) | Users that rated | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | |
Average time saved | Average time saved per question in minutes as indicated by users in the "answer value" survey within a timeframe | User that saved time thanks to an answer | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | |
Comments | Number of created comments within a timeframe | Comment authors | Knowledge space assignment of the comment's question | |
Content distribution | Created content broken down by questions, answers and comments within a timeframe | Users that posted questions, answers and comments respectively | Knowledge space assignment of the question | |
Questions | Number of created questions within a timeframe | Question authors | Knowledge space assignment of the question | |
Question contributors | Number of unique users that posted a question within a timeframe | Knowledge space assignment of the question | ||
Question views | Number of daily unique question views (if a user views a question multiple times a day, it counts as one view) within a timeframe | Users that viewed questions | Knowledge space assignment of the question | |
Ratings | Number of unique ratings submitted within a timeframe (if a user rates an answer multiple times it counts as one rating) | User that rates an answer | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | |
Recommendations | Number of recommendations within a timeframe | Users that recommended | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question | |
Search queries | Number of search queries within a timeframe | User's membership | ||
Time to answer (median) | Median time in hours between publishing a question and receiving the first answer within a timeframe | Pre-loaded questions, deleted questions | Answer authors | Knowledge space assignment of the answer's question |
Users | Total number of users that existed in the system within a timeframe | User's membership | ||
Users with job title (ratio) | Percentage of users with a job title relative to the number of activated users within a timeframe | User's membership |
You can filter the metrics by the following dimensions:
- include / exclude technical users
- category
- country
- department
- knowledge space
- (question) topic*
*available in the advanced version
For country and department, the dropdown lists contain values that the users have entered in their profiles. You can either scroll through the list or type directly into the field.
Hint: If you want to filter by directly typing into the country field, you will be faster if you search by the country's ISO code.
Updated 5 months ago