Content quality
The Starmind platform facilitates the free flow of information across the entire organization. Our technology enables our clients to bust internal silos by bringing the whole organization's knowledge & expertise together on one platform.
In terms of content quality, it has been proven that the community is self-regulating to ensure the quality meets the expectations. Also, the Starmind platform offers a variety of features that can help to maintain a high-quality standard.
Question escalation:
The question escalation function makes sure the number of unsolved questions can be managed and kept to a minimum. Learn more
Question reporting:
With this feature activated, inappropriate questions can be reported by any user at any time. Learn more
Answer verification:
The answer verification feature allows you to define one or several groups with one or several members each that have the opportunity to post answers not only in their name but also as part of a certain group. Learn more
Answer validation:
This can be activated to support keeping the content on Starmind up-to-date at any time. Learn more
Answer value:
This pop-up appears when the question author rates an answer to their own question with 4 or 5 stars. Learn more
Answer acceptance:
Once a question has been answered, the question author can officially accept the answer via the accept button. This will then be displayed above the answer, which indicates to other users that the question author was satisfied with the response.
Updated about 4 years ago