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Starmind branding assets
Whenever you want to prepare any internal communication materials about Starmind, we got you covered. While creating posters, customized HTML emails, intranet blog posts and other resources, we strongly recommend using consistent and familiar colors and logos. This way you can be sure users will be able to immediately connect the communication to the right platform.
Logos and assets
You can download it here.
Brand toolkit
You can access it here.
Tone of voice guidelines
You can access it here.
Color palette
Primary colors:
Product Purple #432CA0 100% and 26% opacity
Black #000000 87% and 26% opacity

Primary colors
Secondary colors:
Error Red #FF0000
Warning Yellow #FFEA47
Success Green #23BE28
Accent Teal #42D0CC

Secondary colors
Starmind compliance documentation
Compliance documentation (to access Starmind's compliance documents, please contact your CSM team member)
Updated over 3 years ago