Graph API Permissions

Learn what Microsoft Graph API permissions are required for the Starmind Microsoft Teams Personal App to leverage all functionalities

Required Permissions

To ensure a complete user experience, please grant the following additional organization-wide permissions to the multi-tenant Starmind enterprise app (Application ID: bee8d388-5b98-46d6-8ecd-d89bc02d1316) in the Teams apps administration section. Without these permissions, access to certain features, such as Activity Feed notifications and custom app branding in notifications, will be restricted.

Permission requests explained

Requested PermissionPermission TypePurpose of PermissionImpact if Permission Denied
TeamsActivity.SendApplicationSend Starmind notifications to the user's Activity Feed in Microsoft Teams.Only users who have added the Starmind Teams Personal App from the Teams store will receive notifications from Starmind in their Teams Activity Feed.
AppCatalog.Read.AllApplicationRetrieve and display the custom app name as the sender in the activity feed.Customization / Branding of the Starmind Teams Personal App will not be reflected when displaying and referring to the app, such as in the user's activity feed. The app will revert to its original name.

How to grant tenant permissions

Select Starmind app (Application ID: bee8d388-5b98-46d6-8ecd-d89bc02d1316) in the app admin section of Microsoft Teams and start the process to grant the requested permissions.

Grant admin consent for the required permissions in Teams App Admin

Grant admin consent for the required permissions in Teams App Admin

This will open a browser window to proceed with the request.

Approve Starmind Teams App permissions for your organization

Approve Starmind Teams App permissions for your organization

Once granted, the "Permissions" section should look like in the image below.

Verify in Teams App Admin that all permissions have been granted

Verify in Teams App Admin that all permissions have been granted

For details instructions to setup Starmind Team Personal App, please see Setup Teams Integrations.