Authentication & User Management

Single sign-on

With Single Sign-on the users can use their company account to sign in to Starmind. The user base needs to be updated only in one central application. This requires more effort to implement but is better accepted by the users. Also, you don't need to maintain the user base on Starmind as we can create new users on the fly with the first login.

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User sync

The users within Starmind should be kept up to date. There are multiple reasons this is recommended:

  • Users which left the company are no longer identified as experts
  • All users attributes are up to date for the calculation of KPI's
  • Users which left the company are marked accordingly in the application
    To keep the user base up to date there are multiple options. Either you can manage them manually within the application or you can use an automated approach. Starmind recommends using an automated approach, to reduce the efforts and increase the quality of the sync.