How topics work

Learn more about how Starmind uses topics to map company knowledge


Deprecation of Insights

We're phasing out the Insights page as it's limited to our legacy AI technology (read below to learn more). We encourage you to use the Topics page instead.

Our new AI technology has greatly improved how our Knowledge Engine finds and connects experts in your company. It innovates our Knowledge Graphs to better understand the context of what employees collaborate on and how it relates to their expertise.

As we transition your network to our latest AI technology, you'll see two types of topics:

Flat topics: These basic topics lack descriptions or context. The Knowledge Engine, like traditional AI systems, often struggles to understand their meaning and how they relate to employee knowledge. Our newest AI technology solves this problem, transforming how company knowledge is captured (see below).

⚠️ The Insights page uses the legacy AI which treats all topics as flat.

Rich topics: These topics include descriptions and are most often available in all languages used in your network. Further, it supports links to more general and more specific topics. Their descriptions can be generated by our AI and edited by admin users. The contextual information allows the Knowledge Engine to map them effectively within your knowledge ecosystem.

Though we've upgraded most of our product to the new AI technology, you might still find some flat topics. We're actively working on improvements to reduce the appearance of these topics in your network. Here's what you can do:

  1. Limit access to Insights to admin users only and encourage your users to use the Topics page.
  2. If available, merge company-relevant flat topics with their rich equivalents. Or ask your Account Manager for help adding missing contextual information.

You can contact your Account Manager with any feedback or questions you might have.