Technical Opportunities

There are many topics that concerns our customer in the beginning and during the rollout process. These topics includes: authentication, user-management, integration and connectors possibilities, and about Starmind APIs. This section provides you with the technical deep-dive and implementation details on these topics.

Authentication & User management

Authentication is the first most topic that we touch during the rollout of Starmind. It is important that we authenticate users correctly and give them access to Starmind. This section gives you further details on what authentication methods are supported by Starmind and details on our in-house user sync.

Use your company login also for Starmind and make sure that the user base is kept up to date.



For Starmind to be successful we need to be present in the tools where our users spend most of their time. Integrations opportunities allows us to bring expertise and knowledge from Starmind to external tools and provide users with ease of use and quick access to information they need.

Find out how Starmind can be integrated seamlessly into your environment.

Starmind API

Starmind provides REST APIs that helps to bring all the features supported by Starmind platform to the applications used by your organisation. Starmind APIs play a major role in integrating Starmind in different tools.

Find out more about Starmind API and how to use them.


Our connectors help us to learn from different data sources and enrich user profiles. Most of the time users have existing knowledge on the tools which they use on daily basis like MS-Teams, Yammer and Sharepoint. Connectors help us to bring users knowledge from these tools to have it at one place (on users Starmind know-how profiles).

If you are interested in finding out more about our out-of-the box connectors and how we process data from data sources. You can find all the details here:


Do you want to get the most out of Starmind not only via the browser? Find out here how to use Starmind on your mobile or via a desktop application.