Email Notifications
Email notifications are an essential part of notifying experts and ensuring questions are answered quickly in your network. We strongly suggest keeping user emails toggled on and encouraging users to do the same.
There are four types of emails that Starmind sends.
Transactional Emails
A user performs an action that immediately triggers an email; examples include:
- User sign-in or user sign-up
- Reset/forgot password
- Flagging/reporting questions (email sent to the list of users who receive notifications when a question is flagged or reported)
*Feedback (email sent to Starmind)
External Emails
A user performs an action that immediately triggers an email for one or more external people:
- Invite external users by sharing question or sharing an answer with them
Notification Emails
These emails are triggered when a user performs an action that impacts one or more other network users. Types of notification emails fall under three categories:
- Your content (answer rated, upgraded, question commented on, etc.)
- Activity involving you (mentioned in a comment or answer, recommended as an expert, etc.)
- Questions you follow (a new comment, answer validated, etc.)
Notification emails can be customized in the following ways:
- Users can enable or disable specific notification emails on their user settings page or via the link provided in the email footer
- Email is only sent out if the user isn't considered online (the user was not online in the last five minutes)
Updated 4 months ago