MS Sharepoint - Privacy Documentation

Data Starmind has access to

The chapter describes the permission we would need at azure end for the app to have access to the data.


The MS Sharepoint connector uses Delegated Permissions

Sites.Read.AllAllows the app to read documents and list items in all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user.
offline_accessAllows the app to read and update user data, even when they are not currently using the app.


In addition to the scopes, the API restricts access to groups. The connector has only access to sites where the configured technical user is a member (enforced by the MS Sharepoint API). This gives the customer the possibility to limit access to the groups which are relevant for the connector.

Data Flow

The sequence diagram below shows which requests Starmind makes to MS Sharepoint. In the subchapters, there are more details for each request to MS Sharepoint. The ID is corresponding with the number in the diagram.

The data used by the connector (listed in the tables in the chapters below) is not stored permanently. Some of the data points are not used on the connector level but are sent to Starmind. These data points have an “X” in the column Starmind. Starmind uses them to extract expertise topics from the data and assign them to the corresponding users. The expertise topics are stored permanently.


List all SharePoint sites accessible for the user

Get all the users from MS Teams. Starmind requires the email address as an identifier for the user.

ID 1
Endpoint /v1.0/sites
Query Parameter search=*

The documentation of Microsoft shows all attributes which are returned by the endpoint:
The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

FieldExampleExample Description,2dd057fa-208e-4654-8317-18d271f2702a,25afb931-6566-49b3-95f6-1473db756477The id is used to iterate over all the sites

Get all site drives

Get all the users from MS Teams. Starmind requires the email address as an identifier for the user.

ID 1
Query Parametersite_id

The documentation of Microsoft shows all attributes which are returned by the endpoint:
The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

FieldExampleExample Description
idb!-lfQLY4gVEaDFxjScfJwKjG5ryVmZbNJlfYUc9t1ZHcfJutxeFTCRYtrRwv7whAmTo get the changes on the Site drives

Get token to list future drive changes

ID 1
Query Parametertoken=latest

The documentation of Microsoft shows all attributes which are returned by the endpoint:

The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

FieldExampleExample Description
idMzslMjM0OyUyMzE7Mzs3MWViMjYxZi01NDc4LTQ1YzItOGI2Yi00NzBiZmJjMjEwMjY7NjM3NDcyNzIxNDI1NjMwMDAwOzMxOTI5NjY0ODslMjM7JTIzOyUyMzAPointer to get only the changes since the last run.

List all changes for the drive

ID 1
Query Parameter/v1.0/drives/{drive_id}/root/delta/{token_in_url}

The documentation of Microsoft shows all attributes which are returned by the endpoint:

The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

FieldExampleExample Description!vxnaFwNL1kSgRW0tVLuL60SqjddxJE1MuhtA0qL-y8DTkRsOxGfZSYRSqywo1w6nTo identify the drive to read from.
item.id01ZAC4GYGKEQJG3TUO5VFIYJ7C23S5HGXATo get the file to read from.

Get the revisions of the file

ID 1
Query Parameter

The documentation of Microsoft shows all attributes which are returned by the endpoint:

The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

FieldExampleExample Description
item.id2.0the version number of the document.
item.last-modified_date_timeThe timestamp when the file was last modified.[email protected]The email address of the user Starmind wants to learn for.

Get the version of the file

Get all the users from MS Teams. Starmind requires the email address as an identifier for the user.

ID 1
Query Parameter/v1.0/drives/{drive_id}/items/{item_id}/versions/{version_id}/content

The documentation of Microsoft shows all attributes which are returned by the endpoint:

The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

FieldExampleExample Description
The url to the PDF file of the content. Starmind will learn from this data.