MS Yammer - Privacy Documentation

Data Starmind has access to


The chapter Data Starmind has access to describes which data we can read from the Yammer API. We restrict access to the data as far as the API allows it to limit the amount of data Starmind can read. The connector filters the data, which can not be excluded by access rights or filtering on the endpoint. More details on this topic are in the chapter “Data Starmind learns.”

The connector authenticates over OAuth with a technical user. More details are available in the documentation of Yammer . The Yammer API does not allow to restrict the access further.

Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram below shows which requests Starmind makes to the Yammer API. In the subchapters, there are more details for each request. The ID is corresponding with the number in the diagram.

The data used by the connector (listed in the tables in the chapters below) is not stored permanently. Some of the data points are not used on the connector level but are sent to Starmind. These data points have an “X” in the column Starmind in the chapters below. Starmind uses them to extract expertise topics from the data and assign them to the corresponding users. The expertise topics are stored permanently.


List all users

Get the attributes of the users.

mailmax.muster@company.comSend as an identifier for the user to Starmind.x
id1692898527Used in the connector to identify the user.

List all groups

This endpoint will list all groups which are accessible to the technical user.

EndpointGET /v1/groups.json
Query Parametermine=0


The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

privacypublicFilter out groups that are not public.
full_nameAll CompanyShow the name of the group in the logs
id34877095936To search for messages in this group

List all messages

This endpoint will return all new messages from a group since the last run.

EndpointGET /v1/messages/in_group/{group_id}.json
Query Parameternewer_than=21837981


The list below shows which of the returned attributes are used by the connector or Starmind.

privacypublicFilter out messages which are not public.
message_typeupdateFilter out messages from the system and to define the type of the messagex
body.parsedWhat is...What is...x
created_at2020/07/10 12:10:1The timestamp of the postx