Outlook Add-In

The Outlook Add-in gives you the option to access Starmind directly within your outlook.



If you want to install the Outlook Add-In, you first need to reach out to Starmind. We will send you the app you need to install within your tenant. Then you can follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the “Home” tab on the toolbar and click “Get Add-ins”. If you’ve switched to the new Outlook view, click the “three dots” icon on the upper right and then click “Get Add-ins”
  1. On the left panel click "My add-ins"
  1. Scroll down to the "Custom-add-ins" section and click "+ Add a custom add-in"
  2. Click "Add from URL" from the dropdown list of options.
  1. Copy and paste the URL you got provided from Starmind into the prompt box and click "OK"
  2. You may receive a default warning message shown for any custom-app download. For reference, we do not send any personal data to our servers.