Tips to get started with Starmind

Quick wins to make Starmind work for you

Set up your Starmind profile
Browse the feed or search for people and content
Subscribe to tags and categories

Set up your Starmind profile

  • Add a job title to your profile: adding a job title to your profile will help our algorithm make sure you see content that's most relevant to you. It's easy to do and will help make your Starmind experience even better.
  • Upload a picture: uploading a picture to your profile helps people feel like they're getting an answer from a real person, you.
  • About me: this is your space to let others in your network know more about you and your expertise and interests.

Browse the feed or search for people and content

A great way to get started on Starmind is to browse the Feed

You'll find the Feed on the left navigation menu. The Feed contains all the questions recently posted and can easily be filtered to help you find what you need faster. This will give you a sneak peek at the kinds of questions asked on your network and the type of answers you can expect.

If you feel comfortable, try answering your first question or adding a comment.

If you'd like to know more about a specific topic, trying using the Search. The Search will show you people who know about that topic and content about it shared on your network.

Subscribe to tags and categories

On the Homepage, you can subscribe to topics and categories. Topics are the most popular subjects on your network, while categories help you navigate content on your network.
You can select a category when posting a question or filter search results by category name.

Subscribing to categories and topics means you'll get notifications when content tagged with that category or topic is posted. This will help you stay up-to-date and see content that's most interesting for you.