What can you find on Starmind?



On the homepage, you'll find a variety of modules spotlighting the most recent and relevant activity on the network.

Some examples of modules you can find:

  • Questions for you - these are questions that
  • Subscribe - see the most popular topics in your network and subscribe to ones that are most relevant to you
  • Latest contributors - see who contributed the most recently on your network


On the Feed, you'll find a list of all the questions posted in your network. With the available filters next to the Feed, you can easily extract questions and answers based on your criteria.


Using the search bar is one of the fastest ways to explore knowledge on the network most interesting to you.

You'll find the search bar at the top of every page. Use the search to find experts, content and matching topics by keyword. For example, searching blog results in content about writing a blog and people in the network who know about blogs.

Tip: Get better search results by typing your question into the search bar!