MS Graph connector (beta) - Setup

Register the application on the Azure Portal

You have to register the application in the Azure AD admin center. The registration is necessary in order to authenticate the application and use it to make calls to the Microsoft Graph connectors API.

  1. Go to the Azure Active Directory admin center and sign in with an administrator account.
  2. In the left pane, select Azure Active Directory, and under Manage, select App registrations.
  3. Select New registration.
  1. Complete the Register an application form with the following values, and then select Register.

    1. Name: MS Graph connector (you can use any name of your choice)

    2. Supported account types: Accounts in this organisational directory only (Microsoft only - Single tenant)

    3. Redirect URI: Leave blank

  2. On the MS-search Connector overview page, copy the values of Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. We will need both later again.

  3. Select API Permissions under Manage.

  4. Select Add a permission, and then select Microsoft Graph.

  5. Select Application permissions, and then select the ExternalItem.ReadWrite.All permission. Select Add permissions.

  1. Select Certificates & secrets under Manage, and then select New client secret.

  2. Enter a description and choose an expiration time for the secret, and then select Add.

  1. Copy and save the new secret.

Configuration credentials

From the above section you will need following credentials.

  1. tenanat id
  2. client_id
  3. client_secret