OpenSearch for Modern SharePoint


Requirements: PNP extension needs to be installed for your Sharepoint version.

To configure open search on modern Sharepoint you need to install PNP extension which is a web-part extension. To install the extension please follow the steps mentioned here.

Next you need to create a source id for your starmind network

  1. Go to Microsoft 365 admin center > Sharepoint > More features > Search > Manage result sources
  2. Create new result source
  3. Extend your copied url from the network with {your-url}/results/rss?query={searchTerms}&offset=0&limit=100 and paste it in the source url.
  1. Save the changes and copy the source id.

Configure pnp webparts on Sharepoint

  1. Add pnp search box webpart: keep the default configuration.
  2. Add pnp search result webpart: you only have to configure page 1 and 3.
  3. On page 1 make the following changes:
  • Available data sources: sharepoint search
  • Query template: {SearchBoxQuery} path:https://**
  • Result source id: source id from step 4 above

On page 3:

  • turn on the use input query text setting and select the dynamic value
  • Connect to source: pnp search box
  • PnP - Search Box's properties: Search query


You have successfully configured Open search for modern Sharepoint.